In the vast galaxies, exists a race of living beings that lived beyond the world of space. These people lived their daily lives inside empty black holes, where they struggled and tended to the young for many generations ever since the beginning.
However, those who impair others or show disgrace to their families are banished to the world where they wander for many years till they fade out to the cold, empty of the cosmic lands, to die in isolation. They are called 'Voidwalkers', beings with no family, no name, and no purpose of what means.
In this tale of a young man, who was now a Voidwalker, who recently lost his status as the protector from those who follow the Aeon of Nihility, all because of his disabilities, found himself awakened on a certain train that follows the Path of the Trailblaze.
Being a Voidwalker, he was destined to find nothing to bring him a purpose. However, this youthful soul begins to find a new ideal in himself, as he explores the open world of stars and planets, meeting new people to share stories of similar fates, helping those to live another day without fear, and finding himself in a new truthful life.
When you gaze into the endless void, what do you see?
For him, it's a beautiful and bitter side of hope...