Hadley and Caden's love story begins in high school, where they were inseparable. With the world against them, they leaned on each other for support and found solace in their bond. However, when tragedy strikes and Caden falls into a downward spiral of addiction, Hadley becomes his guiding light, determined to save him from self-destruction.
But as time goes on, Caden's demons consume him, and he makes the heart-wrenching decision to let Hadley go, believing it's the only way to protect her from his destructive tendencies. Each year, on the anniversary of the accident, Caden reaches out to Hadley, and she races to his aid, clinging to the hope that she can help him find redemption.
However, this year is different. Hadley realizes that she has neglected her own well-being for far too long. In an act of strength and self-preservation, Hadley cuts ties with Caden, realizing that their children deserve a better life than the one they could have had together. These are children Caden has no knowledge of, children he left Hadley to raise on her own.
Rosie is meant to hate famous rockstar Will O'Connor, who killed her father in a car crash, but she finds herself falling in love instead.
Rock sensation, Will O'Connor is in the prime of his career when he unintentionally kills a man in a car accident. Full of remorse, he must come to terms with his non-guilty verdict. People-pleasing Rosie Montgomery dedicates her life to making others happy. Following her father's death in Will's crash, she becomes desperate to keep her family intact. But when Will and Rosie accidentally meet at her father's grave, there's an undeniable bond. Can they ignore the rest of the world and go after what their hearts most desire? And most importantly - can either of them handle the consequences?
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