An hour. An hour since Kennedy had awoken suddenly, drenched in sweat and trembling. An hour since the mysterious impulse hypnotized her. An hour since she lost all control. An hour since she tore through the dusty abandoned streets of Rachel, Nevada into the summer night. Kennedy drove, only partially aware of her movements, of the long road she traveled. Her thoughts bombarded her. Too many questions, not enough answers. All that was clear was the voice which had called her. He had called her by name...and now she was a helpless slave, obsessed with finding Him. It drove her like an invisible, unstoppable force. Fear gripped her stomach, twisting it into painful knots, but the insatiable yearning to know the truth kept her foot heavy on the accelerator of her black 68 Camaro. Kennedy turned sharply, led purely by the instinctual drive. Her eyes caught the road sign for a split second. Extraterrestrial Highway. Why is it leading me here? She asked herself frantically. It's taking me down restricted roads...this is the way to Groom Lake. Her heart hammered hard in her chest. It threatened to break ribs, while sweat accumulated in the hairline of her long, curly auburn locks. Swallowing hard, Kennedy pressed the accelerator. Metal touched metal as she pressed it all of the way to the floorboard. She had to find Him. He had called her by name. Years of searching. Years of aching. Years of begging the sky to give her the answers. Answers her soul so desperately craved...answers she needed. Finally, the call had come. Nothing would stop her from answering Him, even the catastrophic repercussions of entering Area 51.All Rights Reserved
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