On the day of Mikaelson's ball, when her friends are at the party, Bonnie, on the order of her ancestor, Ayanna, sends her friends, Stefan, Caroline, and Elena into the past.
Ayanna wants to show something important to Elena and she knows only Stefan and Caroline can console her when she learns the truth of her life.
After Ester forced Elena to give her blood, Elena came out of the room and started to look for Mikaelson's siblings to warn them about their mother's plan, just as when she spotted Kol she moved towards him to explain to him but she collapsed on the floor. Otherside Caroline, who is with Klaus, also fainted. And Stefan who is with Elijah. The Original brothers wondered and were scared, still, they brought the trio to one room silently and laid them on the beds. Klaus sat between Caroline and Elena's bed. He sat there holding their hands. While the other two brothers paced in the room.
Elena along with Caroline and Stefan gasped for air. They woke up and looked around.
Time skip
Elena frantically looked around the hall for her Dad and uncles.
'I want to warn them.'
She found her father and uncles with glasses for a toast, she mumbled, "Dad...No." None heard it except the Vampires, including the Salvatore brothers and the Mikaelson siblings.
They looked at her. After signing no she went into the garden. The vampires along with Hybrid also followed her.
Elena paced front and back on the lawn seeing her like that, Stefan and Caroline got worried.
Klaus also worried about his daughter.
She stopped pacing when she found all of them looking at her scared.
She looked at her Dad and hugged him with a force.
"I am sorry Dad." Klaus was stunned by the sudden change in her. Nevertheless hugged her back and watched his siblings and Rippah for explanation.
Stefan got his look and started explaining.
"We were sent back in time. Time travel, you can say, by Ayanna. She helped Elena to see the truth."
"We both as well." Caroline quipped.