"The Dreaming Priest," penned by Danislyn, unfolds the tale of a lethargic and destitute priest whose aspirations for wealth outweigh his inclination for hard work. Living a life of indolence, the priest sustains himself by begging for alms. One fateful morning, fortune smiles upon him as he receives a pot of milk as part of his alms. However, instead of seizing the opportunity to improve his circumstances through diligent effort, the priest succumbs to the allure of daydreams.
The narrative takes a whimsical turn as the priest, having boiled the milk and set it aside to form curd, drifts into a vivid reverie. In his dreams, the pot of curd becomes a catalyst for a fantastical journey from poverty to prosperity. The priest envisions a cascade of success - from churning butter to establishing a poultry farm, acquiring cows, and even venturing into the lucrative realm of a milk dairy. The dream culminates in the priest amassing wealth, selling jewels to the king, and marrying into a wealthy family.
However, the story pivots dramatically as the priest, still lost in his reverie, mistakenly believes he is disciplining his future son with a stick. In a moment of unconscious action, he strikes the pot of milk, shattering his dreams and abruptly awakening from his elaborate fantasy.
The moral of the story serves as a poignant reminder that dreams alone cannot substitute for hard work. The priest's idle fantasies lead to a harsh awakening, underscoring the importance of industriousness in achieving one's aspirations. "The Dreaming Priest" is a cautionary tale that encourages readers to embrace the value of diligence and dispels the notion that success can be attained solely through wishful thinking.
Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language and situation intended for mature readers only.
So basically this story is not for everyone, this is R18!! if you're 17 below, please find another story because this is not suitable for you.