The cover is a scene taken from the anime and uploaded from After a multitude of conflicts, Boruto Uzumaki begins re-evaluating his direction in life. Specifically his complex feelings towards a certain fellow Leaf Shinobi. And he decides to go about it in a rather unconventional way. The story is inspired by episodes of the anime, produced by Pierrot, broadcast by TV Tokyo, directed by Noriyuke Abe and Masayuki Koda and written by Makoto Uezu and Masaya Honda. It's not strictly canon with the source material, the plot is convoluted and I may get some Japanese terms wrong. There will also be censored cursing. 'Boruto: Naruto Next Generations' is a sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's 'Naruto' and 'Naruto Shippuden'. I own nothing except the story and a few original characters. [Published 07/06/24]