Hey! In the recent past I have been infected by this bug which keeps giving me an urge to write. I had started writing at least 3-4 stories which stopped midway still awaiting their completion. I keep making some mental drafts which are yet to be penned down too.
Finally, today I got this inspiration for writing a short story. I feel this needs to be a part of a series with the theme being a snapshot into some very ordinary lives. This is one of my favorite themes!
I truly feel there is glory in ordinary lives. True love. Happiness , Contentment, Humanness are all more prevalent in these so-called ordinary lives. The lives of the kind of people who live next door or who you meet in public transport or at a traffic signal.
I wrote the first such story today. Obviously, this has not been professionally edited and spruced up, Hence may be filled with flaws. I am hoping to create a few more such stories capturing many facets of normal and ordinary human lives, Then I hope to string them together like an anthology. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Pardon the flaws in this amateur attempt.