I wake up, and my head suddenly regrets it. Pain shot through me when I grazed the bump. I knew from the size and the pain that it was recent. I’m blind. Not blinded by darkness, but yet brightness. My eyes weren’t adjusted yet. How did I get here? More importantly, where is here? The first thought was, “Okay Nix. What do you remember?” So here’s all I can remember:
1. My name is Nixon Romeo, my friends all call me Nix, and I get made fun of a lot because of my last name (thanks Shakespeare).
2. I’m in love with my girlfriend Samantha Summers.
3. I live in the small town of Moron, California. Yes it’s a place, look it up!
4. My best friends are Dallas Hoffman and Richard Mason.
5. I went to Moron High school, and the last class I remember going to was in Ms. Ness’s Choir Class and then… blank.
That’s all I can remember.
As my vision began to slowly adjust, I started to feel around to maybe find some indication of where I was. I reached and felt a thud on my hands. It was cold and curved. From the sound it made against my hands, it was probably glass but it sounded incredibly thick. Almost like double pained windows hand crafted by god. Finally, my vision gets fully adjusted and what I see leaves me in utter shock and disbelief. Through the glass, I see people in glass domes which is what I’m in as well… and then in the reflection, I see a silhouette… standing right behind me.