In the heart of military discipline and the rigid structure of basic training, a captivating tale unfolds. "Soulja" explores the unexpected romance between Drill Sergeant Zackary, a disciplined instructor with a commanding presence, and India, a determined recruit seeking purpose in the regimented world of the military.
As the recruits navigate the challenges of training, Zack's and India's paths intersect in shared glances, and unspoken connections. Amid the grueling exercises and disciplined routines, an undeniable chemistry emerges, challenging the boundaries set by laws and military life.
Their love story weaves through the obstacles of secrecy, the rigors of basic training, and the magnetic pull that draws them closer.
"Soulja" is a narrative of unexpected connections, where the clash between duty and desire creates a infusion of emotions, transforming the barracks into a foundation for a love that defies the conventional laws of military life.
"Strong back, Zackary." I teased, letting a smile break across my lips as I stepped closer.
He turned, the water now running down his broad shoulders.
"Yes, tight pussy India?"
OK so this is a Jamaican book patois (patwa)will be in it so if you don't understand/know it i suggest you don't read it .
This book 🫶is honestly my second book . Thanks for all the supports and supportive comments love y'all to mi heart . ❤️✨