In a bold move, Sami Sheen, the 19-year-old daughter of Hollywood stars Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, took to social media to share her recent plastic surgery journey. The young influencer, who is also known for her presence on OnlyFans, documented her breast augmentation surgery on both Instagram and Snapchat, giving followers an intimate look into the entire process.
Sami's Instagram Story featured her in a hospital gown and surgical cap with a caption that read, "Guess who got a new rack today." The teenager continued her updates on Snapchat, sharing a post-op selfie while holding up a peace sign, complete with an IV drip administered into the top of her hand.
The Los Angeles native injected humor into her posts, expressing her enjoyment of the fluids entering her body by likening the sensation to having consumed a whole bottle of white wine. Sami maintained her candid approach, keeping her audience informed as she declared she was "done" and sharing a close-up photo of her post-surgery legs and a water bottle while seated in a wheelchair.
This isn't the first time Sami has been open about her desire for plastic surgery. She previously admitted that she had wanted the procedure since the age of 10, bringing an additional layer to her decision to undergo the surgery at 19.
Post-surgery, Sami was captured being pushed by a nurse outside, and she later shared her home recovery setup, describing it as "so cozy." However, the initial excitement seemed to wane as she updated her Snapchat subscribers around 2 a.m., revealing that she was experiencing some discomfort during the early hours of the morning.
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