In an alternate universe where the lines between the worlds of Miraculous Ladybug and Descendants blur, Marinette Dupain-Cheng found herself cast as Mal, the offspring of the infamous Maleficent. The story takes a dramatic turn when Marinette faces an unexpected betrayal from her closest confidante, Alya. It all began with a deceitful scheme masterminded by Lila, who faked an injury and pinned the blame on Marinette. Despite Marinette's innocence, Alya, swayed by Lila's cunning manipulation, chose to believe Lila's fabricated story, leaving Marinette isolated and ostracized. However, not everyone turned their back on Marinette. Adrien, Zoe, Chloe, Kagami, and Luka, recognizing Marinette's integrity and knowing her true character, stood firmly by her side. This unwavering support became Marinette's anchor in the storm of betrayal and lies. Yet, the ultimate blow came when Marinette's 'parents,' who were mere guardians in this universe, betrayed her trust, disbelieving her innocence and casting her out of their home. This heartrending rejection shattered Marinette, forcing her to return to the Isle of the Lost, a place she had long sought to leave behind. And the rest of Marinette/Mal's story follows the lines of the Descendants movies.
Now read as the cast of Miraculous Ladybug reacts to Marinette's life as Mal daughter of Maleficent and daughter of the one and only god of the Under world Hades...