In the vibrant streets of Amsterdam's red light district, Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, and Merida found themselves lured by promising job opportunities offered by a mysterious figure named Hans. Little did they know, it was a deceitful trap that led them into a life they never anticipated - forced into the grim world of sex work.
On the other side of the story, Jack Frost, Kristoff Bjorgman, Flynn Rider, and Hiccup, oblivious to their wives' predicament, received ominous letters from an anonymous sender, warning them about the imminent danger their beloved partners were facing. Intrigued and concerned, the four boys united to unravel the mystery.
Adjacent to their residence was a seemingly ordinary Korean girl, who turned out to be a covert agent. She had penned the warning letters to the boys, revealing herself as their unexpected ally. Together, they embarked on a mission to expose and apprehend the trafficker, Hans, who had ensnared the in his web of exploitation.