"Telepathy" is a story about a 14-year-old boy named Adam who possesses the ability to read people's minds. Despite being a popular football player in school, his life takes a tragic turn when his mother is murdered by an unknown killer. Frustrated by the police's lack of progress in solving the case, Adam becomes determined to find the killer himself.
In school, Adam discovers that Scarlet, I apologize for the confusion. Here is the synopsis for "Telepathy":
"Telepathy" is a story about a 14-year-old boy named Adam who possesses the ability to read people's minds. Despite being a popular football player in school, his life takes a tragic turn when his mother is murdered by an unknown killer. Frustrated by the police's lack of progress in solving the case, Adam becomes determined to find the killer himself.
One day, Adam is approached by Stella, a girl who is interested in him. However, he quickly realizes that she is only interested in his status and wealth. Rejecting her advances, Adam continues his investigation into his mother's murder. Along the way, he encounters Jack, Stella's ex-boyfriend, who warns him to stay away from her. Despite their disagreement, Adam tries to convince Jack that Stella is not worth his time.
In school, Adam discovers that Scarlet, a girl he has feelings for, is grieving over the loss of her father and her mother's remarriage. Scarlet offers his condolences and is invited to have dinner with her and and the family. During the dinner, Adam becomes suspicious of Scarlet's step-father, Lucas, especially when he sees a picture of his mother with Lucas. The situation becomes tense, and Adam decides to leave.
Is he able to find her mom's killer?
Find out more in Telepathy