29 parts Ongoing "(Y/n)" The six year old whipped her neck towards the voice. She walked further, not knowing where she was going. Her body seemed to move on its own as the voice grew louder.
"NO! STOP!" (Y/n) wailed, crying loudly as she was strapped to a table. How did she get here? Better question, what are they going to do to her?
"Octopus like creature, can move at speed of moch 20, can you handle It?"
The man grinned from ear to ear, studying the super secret government file, "I have just the person for the job."
The atmosphere was thick. She walked in, her eyes a dull (e/c) and her (h/c) coloured hair styled down. She looked the octopus in the eyes before facing the rest of the class.
"My name's (L/n) (Y/n), please take care of me."
Your not so average teenage girl in a not so average classroom. Will she continue to be a mystery? Or will her friends break her walls? Will she blindly finish her mission? Or will she be enlightened and do what she sees as best?