"Dark Image" is a crime thriller story that portrays the crimes and terror that seep into a small town called Willowbrook. Amidst the order and peace that exist, a mysterious threat emerges from a serial killer dubbed the Shadow Hunter. Detective Nathan Collins leads the police effort to capture the killer, but as time goes on, evidence points to a deeper involvement behind the case.
Through the unraveling investigation process, readers will witness how Detective Collins finds traces connecting the murder victims to a criminal gang operating in the area. Additionally, Collins uncovers the fact that the real identity of the Shadow Hunter is a corrupt police officer.
Throughout the story, tension intensifies as Detective Collins attempts to expose the identity of the corrupt police killer, risking the lives of gang members and volunteer youth groups in a bloody hunt. However, the story reaches its climax with a poignant and grim ending, where despite capturing the Shadow Hunter, the corrupt justice system in the town frees him, leaving confusion, fear, and despair for Detective Collins and the Willowbrook community.
In "Dark Image," readers will be presented with an intense plot, unexpected betrayals, and the inner struggles of Detective Collins as he must choose between truth and corruption within the system he believed in. This story depicts how crime and manipulation can affect someone's life and their impact on society at large.
Mikhaiah Story
Every Sunday or Saturday update
Kapag hindi busy gagawa na agad ako
Hindi nato magiging wrong grammar
Itama nyoko pag mali grammar ko ah!
"Why don't you just leave her alone?"
- Maloi
"You. Why don't you just leave the world?." - Aiah
"Aiah please stop bothering her"
- Sheena
"The more you try to stop me, the worse it gets." - Aiah
"Please don't bothering mikha again"
- Stacey
"Ohh sorry but i love her." - Aiah
"Why you come back?" - Mikha
"Don't act like a blind mikha lim" - Aiah
"no one can say no me. and i come back to take what's mine" - Aiah