What if they know this young man and know his name but not his story? And what if Eva will choose Alpheus than Matthew?
This book based with the series 'The Deep' and my OC's.
Alpheus James Benthos is a young boy who likes with the boy in cartoon show. He lost his cousin when he was 9 years old boy, then he knows what he did in his life after his cousin's d3@th...
From 19 years ago, he lives in the greek city called: Naoussa, there he meet the greek but from Naoussa but also a local girl named: Evangelia (that's me hi), he knows her (me) as Eva, he doesn't seen this girl in the highschool while they will end the highschool.
She's 18 years old, she's the daughter of the high school cleaner, she has the same age and same zodiac sign with him (that's me so yeah but he is older than her because he's 19 years old.
Then from years ago while they will end the school, the young boy named: Deron was worried about this boy, then he believe that he's just a boy but this young boy is a explorer too. He's the only one who he will takes his friend away from Matthew.
Matthew is her ex-boyfriend (my ex-crush ofc) while Matthew wants that girl all hims while Alpheus don't leave her and he show him that he's her real crush for her.
He will did change her life and her mind before Matthew and he show him that he loves her?
"Ρε φίλε, την αγαπάς;" Με ρωτάει και γυρνάω να τον κοιτάξω.
"Όσο τίποτα άλλο." Του απάνταω και χαμογελάει.
"Τότε γιατί κάθεσαι εδώ και κλαιγεσαι αντί να πας να την βρεις;" Λέει και κοιτάω τον ουρανό.
"Γιατί αν την αγαπώ πρέπει να μείνω μακριά της..."
Book series order:
1) My anarchy (rewriting rn)
2) Enemies love ✓
3) I didn't forget ✓
4) My anarchy girl ✓
*Do not copy