In which a girl ends up marrying her ex fiancés older brother, who just happens to be her first love
Ranya had her life figured out from a young age. She knew she wanted nothing more than to be a teacher, working with kids she loves. She wanted to marry the love of her life and live happily afterwards, and hopefully she'd somehow find the courage to marry her crush.
But of course, life never pans out the way you assume and hope it will when you're a child. Instead, she found herself engaged to someone else, but when he leaves, it seems like her entire life will fall apart. That is, until his older brother, her first love, the guy she knew she should have been with, decided to swoop in.
It's been years since they have seen each other, and with all kinds of unspoken feelings, misunderstandings, and baggage between the two, they're in for a rocky relationship.
"He always loved her and he still love her, I was never his priority"
"You are nothing but a replacement of my first wife. I can give you respect, but don't expect love and care from me, this is the thing I can't give you."
Their soul crashed together. They were destined to be together, he never wanted to be with her but later she became someone, he can't live without.
They both were opposite to eachother, one was ice and the other was fire.
He had decided to not to give his heart to anyone because his heart was owned by someone else. But fate has decided something else .Fate brought them together and they ended up being each other's everything.