"In a celestial realm where twilight eternally graces floating islands, a red-haired artisan named Kasai discovers an extraordinary destiny. Unbeknownst to him, he embodies the essence of a forgotten deity. With allies like Aria, a sky captain, and Taran, a stoic earth mage, Kasai confronts a resurfaced ancient adversary. Their encounters, veiled in mystic combat, unfold through a dance of elements, from breathtaking hand-to-hand clashes to dazzling weapon duels. As the balance tips between light and shadow, Kasai's journey culminates in a radiant display-the unveiling of "Inferno Enkindled" against a looming "Shadow Veil." The narrative weaves a cryptic tapestry, revealing the destiny of a world held aloft by the enigmatic power of its elements."
A story of four brothers whose life revolves around each other. Fate wasn't kind to them, but they were in it together, always have been and always will be.
The eldest brother who is known to be a cold, arrogant and emotionless CEO can destroy the world for his younger brothers. Dare look at his brothers with any ill intention and he won't think twice before destroying the lives of those individuals.
He has been a father figure to his brothers since the death of their parents in a car crash. When it comes to them he is a total softy and looks after their every need, but this doesn't mean that he won't discipline them if they are in the wrong.
Will these brothers be able to maintain the unbreakable bond they have? When some secrets are revealed of the younger brother, will the trust remain the same between them? What has fate planned for them?
Peep into the story of these brothers to know further about their lives...... 🫣