Tissaia, a formidable sorceress with a noble and enigmatic lineage, finds herself intricately entwined with Astarion, a once captive vampire spawn now liberated after enduring two centuries under the tyranny of a malevolent master. Their connection, forged by the magical threads of a wish, unfolds as a tale not of love, but rather a shadowy tapestry woven with compelled closeness and reluctant passion. Dive into a world where the boundaries between good and evil blur. In my fanfiction, I blend The Witcher and Baldur's Gate lore to craft a unique story. Here's a sneak peek: //His existence symbolizes everything I despise about the vampire world - the cunning, the lust for power, and the ruthless game of recognition and control. But true love? The thought seems ludicrous. Astarion and love? Yet the image of him appears in my mind - his hearth-red eyes, the charming smile. The passionate moments between us echo in my thoughts. Was it all just part of a plan to exploit me?// Regarding the characters, I take creative liberties and don't strictly adhere to the canon - except for Astarion; I appreciate him as he is. Drawing inspiration from the source material, I've crafted my own lore, creating a narrative that feels like a remix of familiar worlds. While some characters are entirely products of my imagination, others find their roots in the original creations. Even if you're not acquainted with the source material, you should easily follow the story. I steer clear of insider terms without providing context. And a quick heads-up: The story contains NSFW content and is intended for readers aged 18 and above. As this marks my inaugural venture into fanfiction, I welcome constructive criticism. Dive into the narrative and relish the exploration of the darker realms! 🖤
11 parts