Born half dead, half blind, half living, half seeing, Aemma Velaryon was half as whole, her other half lost amidst her birth, belonging not to her or her mother at all, but rather to Death, who managed to get her claws upon it before she slipped out of the womb, blue and awkward. But Aemma managed to live, as a half, but she lived. And Death followed her around, waiting, when she could finally have the other half she had been promised.
When one is marked by Death, one becomes it and Death means doom, and doom is something Aemma Velaryon was good at. Embodiment of doom, she managed to doom everything and everyone she touched.
But doom is no easy thing to wield when one's realm is already in chaos. And when Aemma Velaryon manages to lie her weak, sickly, bony hands on the complicated tapestry that House of the Dragon was, the fabric teared, threads spilled out like veins popped and the picture turned to ash in her very hand.
And so will Aemma Velaryon manage to mend ash back together?
"She is a twisted soul, a death-ridden woman, haunted by dreams."
- Arthur Miller, The Crucible
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