**A World of Extraordinary Creatures**
In a realm where the ordinary meets the extraordinary, exists a world inhabited by beings unlike anything we could have ever imagined. Cats with the intelligence and emotions of humans, mighty dogs that soar through the skies as hawks, graceful deer that can outrun the wind, and wise old goats with the ability to govern entire nations. Among these exceptional creatures reside two childhood friends, Russia and USA, who belong to the enigmatic species of cat-like people.
Once inseparable, Russia and USA shared an unbreakable bond. They played together amidst the sprawling forests, chased ethereal butterflies, and whispered secret dreams under the twinkling stars. However, as time went on, a rift emerged between the two friends, leaving them estranged and heartbroken. USA, haunted by a profound secret, withdrew into himself, becoming distant and withdrawn.
Russia, sensing his companion's anguish, grew increasingly concerned. He longed to know what had transpired, but USA remained silent, his past veiled in shadows. Unbeknownst to Russia, USA harbored a debilitating condition-a mysterious ailment that manifested as black vomit.
Tormented by his friend's suffering, Russia sought solace in the wisdom of others. He confided in a dear deer named Hindsight, a cat named japan, and a hawk named Germany. Together, they pooled their knowledge and resources, determined to uncover the truth behind USA's affliction.
As they pieced together clues, they stumbled upon a chilling realization. A potent disease, known as 'hawk's Bane,' was at the root of USA's torment. Legends whispered of its deadly effects, claiming that only a creature with the wings of a hawk could survive but this was only the beginning
I n L o v e W i t h A C r i m i n a l Russia ΓAmerica.
23 parts Complete Mature
23 parts
I mean in irl they have literally almost skinned one another alive but I mean like....
Who said this was irl?
This is a school AU! Gaaaaaasp
America was a Jock. muder...
Russia was a nerd. Crime
A Murderer
πͺ A criminal...
π° A fighter
πΈ A dealer
π A chaos chaser
β A broken mind
π A feeler...
π A lover
πA grieving one
πA sorry one
π· A drinker
π¬ A smoker
πͺ A cutter
π· π΅AMERICAπ΅π·
π A reader
π A lover
πA sorry one
πͺA cutter
π·A drinker
πA. Broken mind
πͺA criminal
πͺ A death bringer
πA crazy one
π A hurt one
πA lover
π A mentally unstable one
πA forgiver
ππ RUSSIAπ π
America kills. Canada kills. China fights.
Russia kills....
I just find them adorable idk why
This involves rape, fighting, bullying, drinking, drugs,suicide ,cutting,death, living alone,parents ,abuse, and a few hate/love relationships
Drugs trips, Capture. Blood
Yeaa... All that fun stuff