Stolen glimpses, unwhispered confessions and indiscriminate bottled up feelings combusted to color passion the deepest shade of red. Falak Tak... I can't deny the attraction any longer. It was palpable like static in air. I felt my throat close up with all the unsaid words and unexpressed emotions ready to burst out. All rational thoughts floated away from my mind as I could only think of running away. Breaking the stare off I made to leave when he grabbed onto my wrist. A loud gasp left my mouth as I looked down at our joined hands with wide eyes. "Wha-what are you doing? Let go please! " Looking around urgently for any spectators I asked him sharply. Instead of paying heed to my words he stepped closer to me, his eyes visibly turning darker making me take a step back only to feel the sturdy wall stumbling into my back freezing me on spot. "This is not right Bhai-" Shushing me with a finger hovering above my trembling lips he looked a little daunting. "Are you still going to call me that?" His face approached mine slowly with each word spoken until our noses were one finger shy of touching. My eyes shut tightly involuntarily as a whimper left me. Hot breath pierced my skin as the inward struggle continued rampaging within me. I put my hands on his chest in an attempt to push him off but he didn't even budge. "Cute of you to think you could actually move me." Letting out an amused chuckle he said in a low voice. "Answer me Falak. Do you feel the same way I do? Tell me I am not the only one feeling these emotions, huh?" Caging me with his one hand on the wall and another lightly over my waist he gently asked of me. Shivers ran down one after another as my body blazed hot just with his one touch. "Please don't. We shouldn't be like this. This is wrong. If someone sees-" "Then let them see. I don't wish to hide what I feel from anyone unlike you. Look me in the eyes Falak and tell me the truth. " "Stop me before I do something I can't undo."Todos os Direitos Reservados
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