In a world ravaged by the relentless terrors of the undead, three sisters stand as beacons of hope amidst the chaos. Meet Charlie, the resilient and resourceful eldest sibling, whose unwavering determination guides their path. Amelia, the middle sister, possesses a sharp intellect and an uncanny ability to find solutions in the darkest of times. And then there's Joyce, the youngest, whose innocence masks a hidden strength that is yet to be unleashed. United by blood and bound by love, these sisters navigate the post-apocalyptic landscape, fighting not only the hordes of flesh-hungry zombies but also their own inner demons. Together, they are a formidable force, ready to defy the odds and protect what remains of humanity. Little do they know, their journey will push them beyond their limits, testing the bonds that hold them together and revealing the true depth of their sisterly bond. As the world crumbles around them, the fate of mankind rests in their hands. Will they survive, or will they become mere casualties in a world consumed by darkness?