Beetlejuice and the Birthday Ghoul, follows the misadventures of the chaotic and kind-hearted Carol Specter, a spirited teenager who, after an unexpected encounter with the Deetz family, finds herself entangled in the whimsical world of the Netherworld. Guided by the eccentric Beetlejuice and accompanied by her friend Lydia, Carol navigates the afterlife with her trademark chaotic charm.
From chaotic introductions in the living realm to surprise Death Day parties in the Netherworld, the trio embarks on a series of escapades that redefine the boundaries between life and death. As they dance through death day celebrations, prank-filled classrooms, and unexpected encounters with the supernatural, Carol's infectious laughter and Beetlejuice's spectral antics create a unique blend of chaos and camaraderie.
As the plot unfolds, Carol discovers her place among the residents of the Netherworld, earning the title of the "Birthday Ghoul" and even embracing her role as the Pirate Queen in the spectral seas. The fanfic explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the timeless pursuit of joy, all set against the backdrop of Beetlejuice's peculiar afterlife.
With sea shanties, surprise parties, and ghostly laughter, "Beetlejuice and the Birthday Ghoul" is a heartwarming and whimsical tale that captures the essence of the Beetlejuice universe while adding a unique and chaotic twist.
At 25 Lydia Dies in a car crash and is given a second chance. Will she find out who she really is on her own? Or will Beetlejuice tell her? How will she cope with it?