"Behind the wheel, that's Tay. I'm still not so sure since when or how or if he has a licence but he's one hell of a driver, that's undeniable.
He is a fratboy. And an asshole. But for some genuinely fucked up reason he is one of the only people I can call friend. My point being, he was there when no one cared, and somehow still can put up with me. At least for now.
The guy, jumping out of the back with a wide grin plastered across his face, would be Jackie. A real adrenalin junkie. Though we all are, some more than the others. But he? Oh, gods have mercy on him, he just outdo us all.
Waving at me, Joan flashes me a sinister smile, then immediatly moves back to play with her unfamiliar short hair.
Well, she without doubt would not attempt to run with a torch while being shit face drunk after last time.
I mean, her reaction to her new (and pretty much permanent) hairstyle, was truly a sight, that's for sure, though the stench of burnt hair is still fresh in my mind, so that certainly was not a rinse and repeat kind of situation.
The druggie version of BarbieKen? That's Micha. He's nice when clear, but more fun when he's not. Though he's almost always silent, but that does not mean that he'd be a bore. On the contrary, just looking at his ever present sneer always manages to make my day."