Your name is Selena Walker, you are 16 Years old, you have a older brother named Bryce (his a real jerk, but his sometimes nice to you and does care about you, but he doesn't show it). You are friends with Monty Justin who's are your brother's best friends and that you think are cute. Your best friends with Clay, you guys have been best friends since you were 2 years old, you guys do any and everything together. You don't really hangout with your brother's friends because they are all jerks just like him, well except Justin foley and Monty del la Cruz. You and Monty have a really good special bond that no one can understand. But there's something you didn't know that was happening to Monty at his home. His father would beat him all the time, which explains his nasty temper and anger issues, he always gets into fights and never takes anyones crap, but when his around you his a nice gentle guy and he likes to protect you, he also notices little things about you, which you think is really cute. Later on you start to date Justin up until you guys break up 3 months later. You then start to hangout with Monty again more and more and started to catch feelings for him again, so you tell your best friend Clay about to get some advice. You and Monty would do anything for each other your bond is unbreakable. Until one day Justin comes up to you and tells you that he still loves you and wants to get back together and Monty tells you all the things he loves about you and that he loves you too.
Which one would you choose? What advice does Clay give you? Who do you love Monty or Justin? Would your brother find out?
Read to find out.....