Embark on a gripping tale of resilience and redemption in 'Journey Across Tides.' Follow Laura, a determined young woman working two jobs to support her family, as a chance encounter with a mysterious man leads her to a life-altering decision. Cast adrift in the open sea, she faces storms, solitude, and unexpected companionship, weaving a narrative of survival against the elements. Join Laura on a transformative odyssey as she rebuilds not only a shattered boat but also her life, confronting betrayal and finding strength within. 'Journey Across Tides' is a riveting saga of hope, justice, and the unyielding spirit that guides one woman back home.
Haley is living a boring life, taking in the fallout of her parents death. While staying with her aunt and uncle she gets caught in the crossfire of a White House scandal. Phoning in a night action call she meets Peter. Quickly, she learns that nothing in the political world is as it seems, there is a mole in the White House. With assassins on her trail and the odds against her, she and Peter must stop the country from going further into chaos.
(All storyline credit goes to Netflix: The Night Agent)