In the heart of Los Angeles, where the city lights dance with the shadows, a tale unfolds. The protagonist, a spirited girl, Veronica Chantal, who recently migrated from the bustling streets of New York, finds herself caught in a whirlwind of friendship, mystery, and unexpected romance.
The protagonist's life takes an unexpected turn when Veronica starts working at a local Starbucks, where she encounters the vivacious Katrina Stuart, the girlfriend of Sam Golbach, one-half of the renowned YouTube duo Sam and Colby. The two girls quickly form a bond over their shared experiences of moving to the West Coast and navigating the complexities of L.A.
As their friendship blossoms, Katrina extends an invitation to the protagonist to a party hosted by Sam. Intrigued and excited, she agrees, unknowingly stepping into a world of enigma and allure. The apartment complex, where Sam and Colby reside, transforms into a backdrop for a night filled with laughter, music, and an air of mystery.
It's at this party that the protagonist first encounters Colby Brock, a figure seemingly shrouded in darkness and mystery. His piercing gaze and reserved demeanor captivate her, sparking a curiosity that draws her closer. As the night progresses, she discovers that there's more to Colby than meets the eye - hidden passions, untold stories, and a vulnerability that contrasts with his exterior.
Throughout the story, the protagonist and Colby navigate the complexities of their budding connection, all while uncovering the shadows that linger within themselves and their newfound friendships. The tale weaves together the dynamics of friendship, love, and self-discovery against the backdrop of the vibrant city and the secrets it holds.
You live with your best friend, Katrina, in an apartment in LA. You have been friends ever since high school. Kat was a youtuber along with her boyfriend, Sam and his friends.
You and Kat get invited to a party but when you see someone you remember, memories begin coming back and not in a good way..
Warning: Smut, little violence