In the beginning the universe belonged to the darkness.... and then there was light. For seven hundred years, the universe was nothing but blinding white light. Then the darkness fought back and the light was splintered. Every sentient being born from the light adds to its emotional spectrum. Our state of being adds to its respective light which can then be collected and condensed into power. Today, the Red Rage all life feels is harnessed by the Butcher and its Red Ring Wielders. The Orange Light of Avarice has been claimed, like the lives of the Orange Lanterns, by Ophidian and the obsessive and gluttonous Agent Orange. The Blinding Yellow Terror is wielded by Parallax and its army of Yellow Ring Wielders. The Balance of the Spectrum and the essential Light to Destroy the Black Rings shines in the hands of Ion and its Green Ring Wielders. The Glow of Blue Hope is on the verge of extinction, kept alive only by the undying faith of Adara and its Blue Ring Wielders. And the Violet throes of Love empower the Violet Ring Wielders, who attempt to convert all to their way of being. My people maintain the Indigo Light of Compassion, which sadly remains elusive to most beings. Today, the darkness fights back again. It has begun an assault on the Entities and those who command their powers and Rings. Their soldiers are under attack by the Black Ring Wielders.All Rights Reserved