"Hearts echo: Tales from Etheria's Stage" unfolds a captivating narrative as Catra, an imaginative artist, orchestrates mesmerizing performances that transcend the boundaries of the ordinary. From heartfelt serenades to thrilling finales, each chapter unveils a tapestry of emotions, friendship, and unexpected twists. Join Catra, Adora, Glimmer, and Bow in a cosmic journey through Etheria's vibrant stages, where the echoes of resilience, love, and enchantment resound, creating a symphony of unforgettable moments.
Adora is a foster kid being taken in by a new family. She has lost her best friend with many more friends along the way because they have gotten got adopted.
That was nine years ago..
Since then Adora still didn't get adopted. She would find foster parents but they returned her after a year or even a few months. Because she's being taken in by a new family she has to go to a new school and live in a new area. But what happens when she sees a familiar face?
!!: Credits to Ansdrela_Art on twitter for the cover photo !!
Highest ranks
#3 catradora
#85 cartoon
#142 kyle