Sofia, a Princess of Enchancia, lives with her family - King Roland II, Queen Miranda, Princess Amber, and Prince James. She also lives with her furry friends - Blue Ribbon Bunny - Clover, Mia, Robin, Minimus, and Whatnought.
Sofia and her two older siblings are in their teen years, after years of Royal Prep Academy, it's time to part ways to a new school. The person she will miss the most is Prince Hugo - the school's most popular student and Sofia's love interest since they shared a thing on the ice rink. James and Hugo will be heading to their new school together while Sofia and her oldest sibling - Amber will go to the other school.
Will Sofia leap to keep her friendship alive with Hugo or throw her doubts and her true feelings to herself?
It all started from the day where all the young royals get to pick their school. Sofia end up picking Corinthians Sports School since she gets to train her athletic skills often while being the protector of the Ever Realm. Two guys then fall in love with her, one is her best friend from Royal prep and the other a friend that she met on her first day of school in CSS. Who will she end up with? Will her choices make her happy?
This is my second Hugfia book :) you guys can check out my first book that is called 'I LOVE YOU TILL NOW'. Enjoy reading this book as well ^o^ ; updating every Sunday