The Adventures of the Irregulars" unfolds in a world shaped by celestial powers, where the son of Lucifer, Luciel, seeks to redefine his destiny. Luciel dreams of a different narrative, setting him on a path to challenge the preordained fate of being the harbinger of the apocalypse. Alongside him are other children of Satan, each with their motives and backstories.
The story introduces Belial, a demon challenging Luciel, and reveals a prophecy involving seven children of the Devil rebelling against the world. As the narrative progresses, Luciel encounters Astaroth, a prince of Hell, who discloses that he must take over his father's throne. The plot thickens as alliances form, prophecies unfold, and the cosmic balance between Heaven, Earth, and Hell comes into question.
Marudon, a half-demon prince, becomes a central figure under the influence of Astaroth, leading to a transformation in his rule. A mysterious prophecy hints at a bridge between realms, and the characters grapple with their destinies, unveiling a cosmic dance that defies mortal comprehension. As the story unfolds, choices are made that could reshape the fabric of existence, leaving the fate of angels, demons, and the fallen hanging in the cosmic balance.
A group of seven individuals have been brought to the Devildom by King Diavolo. For what reason, is anyone's guess.
Young Emily Osheán is working late one night when she is suddenly transported before a man claiming to be the King of the Devildom, Diavolo. He instructs her that she has five days to obtain a pact with one of the seven avatars of the sins before her soul is devoured.