Deep within the Valley of Peace, a magical land hidden deep in Ancient China that is also inhabited by anthropomorphic animals, a young Fighting/Steel-type Aura Pokémon known as Lucario, also known by his nickname Riley, who had sadly been separated from his parents helps his goose father run their noodle restaurant, but he sometimes often dreams of fighting alongside the Furious Five: Tigress, Monkey, Crane, Viper, and Mantis; a group of kung fu masters who live up in the Jade Palace, where they are trained by Master Shifu, a cranky red panda. He is also quite curious about all this talk of a "Dragon Warrior", which is he has no knowledge about. One day, the wise Galápagos tortoise known as Master Oogway, the founder of kung fu, predicts that Shifu's former snow leopard protégé, Tai Lung, will escape from prison and attack the Valley to obtain the Dragon Scroll, a legendary artifact said to grant limitless power to its reader which he had previously been denied.
But Lucario on the other hand is proclaimed as the Dragon Warrior after accidentally relearning how to use Dragon Pulse whilst trying to stop multiple runaway firework rockets, much to his and the Masters' shock. Upon finally meeting Tai Lung and discovering that he himself is the true Dragon Warrior as long as he believes in himself, Lucario sets off to defeat Tai Lung and help himself and the Furious Five evolve in their own special and unique ways.
(JunkBot): Yep, my first ever Kung Fu Panda story is finally here! Just as a very quick Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon or Kung Fu Panda, nor do I own the images and videos. The OC's and cover however, are mine unless stated particularly otherwise.
[NOTE: This story is part of a multi-fanfic storyline. KFP4: Conquest Is the first installment of my story.]
(UPDATE - 2024-08-20: This Story will in the coming weeks start a rewriting process, aiming to improve writing and grammar, as well as adjust the chemistry between Tigress and Po. The update will happen simultaneously with all chapters, in order to avoid any potential confusion when reading.)
After a mysterious hooded bandit with connections to a familiar feline back at the Jade Palace kills the Emperor, things takes a wrong turn as the Emperor's son loses control and grows insane, getting to the point where he takes all his anger out on the Imperial City.
After the killing, the distraught Empress sends the Furious Five and The Dragon Warrior to bring the killer to justice.
Everything leads up to an intense battle with the Emperor's son that is so dangerous, that this might aswell mark the very end of Po and The Five's story.
What will happen to them? Read to find out!
[ mastertigress #1 (2024-06-12 to 06-23)
mastercrane #1 (2024-06-12 to 06-26)
#1 (2024-07-05 to 07-18)
Fanfic by ExtrZ
KFP4: Conquest is just an adaption, essentially my view of a potential plot for the KFP4 movie.
The story continues in KFP: Secrets of the Tiger Village
All characters (except for OC's) belong to Dreamworks.
If Dreamworks requests me to take this story down, I will.