As i'm at my dads out he says "one day your going to be sucsessful...more sucsesful then me." he adds. What do you mean I say as he gets a rope hanging onto a wire. as he gets a chair and grips himself onto it i say "what are you doing" he didn't reply. he grabs the rope and put it on he's head and moves the chair away. i run right pass him grabbing the home phone dilling 911. this is 911 what your emergency. MY FATHER HUNG HIMSELF. OK were getting ambulance on your way whats your address. 4945 Janis street. i herd the ambulance's sirens. there here. as i'm thinking there gonna help they grab me not even looking at my dad running to the car. HELP HELP I scream as they try to keep me quite. They say were taking you to an FOSTER HOME because you have no mother. I scream I DON'T WANNA tears are running down my cheaks as an act of slice is happening in the front seat. As we pull up to the foster care kids are waving saying hi wispering to there friends they say why is she crying. I get out of the car slowly. I look down because i don't want to see anyone looking at my face of red. Once i walk inside the police gives the desk lady my information. Hair Color:Light Brown Hight:4.6 Age:9 Sex:Female i walk into a room with a bunch of nice girls saying Hi were happy to have new friends. i run a bed and climb up to the top bunk smashing my face into a pillow sobbing my heart out. The girls say how did you get here. trying to calm myself down i tell them my story. First it started at my house were i only had my dad because my mum killed herself and my dad couldn't take being alone so he graps a rope and hangs himself. just telling that story brings tears to my eyes. TO BE COUNTIUED...All Rights Reserved