In the bustling city of Bangkok, ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn for Joong when he receives a mysterious invitation to join a group known as "The Eclipse Society." Led by the enigmatic Jenny, The Eclipse Society is comprised of individuals gifted with extraordinary superpowers, each capable of manipulating the very fabric of reality. Joong discovers his own unique ability to control temperature when he joins the group, adding a new dynamic to the team's formidable powers. As they embark on a journey to understand their purpose and origins, they find themselves caught in the crossfire of a brewing conflict between different factions with superhuman abilities while being in front of a camera. Actors by day, heroes by night. United by a shared destiny, The Eclipse Society must unravel the mysteries of their powers and face challenges that threaten their lives and the balance of power in their territory. As they delve deeper into the secrets of their abilities, they uncover a hidden agenda that ties their origins to a long-forgotten prophecy foretelling a cataclysmic event. The group must navigate the complexities of trust, friendship, and sacrifice as they race against time to prevent an ancient force from being unleashed. Along the way, they discover that their powers are not only tools for defense but also instruments of change in a world teetering on the edge of chaos. "Eclipsed Realms" is an exhilarating journey of self-discovery, friendship, and the relentless pursuit of justice as Joong and The Eclipse Society strive to protect their world from forces beyond imagination.All Rights Reserved