8 parts Ongoing In "Love Boundaries," a poignant angst romance unfolds when YN, deeply in love with Kim Taehyung, remains unaware of his true feelings. Taehyung, who married YN out of respect for his father's dying wish, cautions her to know her love boundaries, hinting at his emotional unavailability.
Meanwhile, Jungkook, Tae's manager, secretly harbors an all-consuming passion for YN, declaring that his love has no boundaries. As YN continues to love Taehyung unrequitedly, JK's hidden emotions create a tense love triangle.
Will YN discover Jungkook's true feelings? Can Taehyung ever reciprocate YN's love? The heart-wrenching journey of these characters will keep you enthralled.
"Some things were better left unspoken, but the truth has a way of surfacing."
COPYRIGHT © jiminizedbae✔️
Cover made by @pvrkpleasures