'Professor Snape,'
Potter slid his gaze from the heinous smoking sludge in the cauldron in front of him. I should have lectured him for whatever crimes he committed during what should have been a simple brewing process, I even had it in mind to revoke points from his house. But in a usual stroke of luck for Potter, I became distracted.
More than distracted; lost. It was painfully brief, yet completely unmistakable.
Those were Lily's eyes.
I found myself staring, my previous thought beyond recovery. The same evergreen ring circling a soft, bright center caused my whole being to take hold of a warm, peaceful grief. I didn't even have it in me to be annoyed that I was no longer cross with the boy. And if I had any sense at all, I would've held back from saying what felt so right to say next.
'Please, call me Severus.'
I apologize, all, but I am discontinuing this story. It has many memories which I do not wish to remember attached to it, and so I will no longer be working on it :)