(Please Vote or Comment to let me know if this is good! I'm desperate for feedback to know if my writing is good or not! Thanks!) "The downfall of humanity will always be derived from greed-- if it is not the direct cause." Unbeings have walked amongst us for centuries, spreading plagues unknown to mankind for as long as Americans can remember, some believing they were created as supersoldiers during the turmoil and frustration of the 7 Years' War. Up until the 1900's they were merely known as slaves, and only vampires of high status were able to slip through the cracks. With these slaves, European and Asian countries, particularly, were able to build beautifully, relying on steam power and setting themselves into a steampunk age. While America and surrounding countries were stuck in a Victorian Age infiltrated by crime and pollution. No matter your status or race, though, the breaking of the Quarantine Walls was unheard of by all. They were safe, thick as an entire ruler, and made entirely of concrete. Despite this, they combusted in on themselves, releasing plagued, parastic amalgams that, with enough numbers, could mean the downfall of America.
9 parts