Naruto Uzumaki, Issei Hyoudou, and Izuku Midoriya are three Saiyan half-brothers who survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta landing on Planet Earth. Naruto lands in the Elemental Nations a world hidden from known and supernatural world. Issei lands in the outskirts of Kuoh Town founded by the Hyoudous, Izuku is founded by Inko Midoriya in Mustafa, Japan. Naruto after defeating Pein is framed on the attack of the Raikage but is attacked by ROOT as Naruto manages to take down Danzo's army as he becomes a Rogue Shinobi Issei after defeating the Khaos Brigade is betrayed by the Underworld Council behind Sirzechs and the DxD's backs as Issei regains his tail transforming into the Mighty Oozaru. Izuku after being with Momo and his adopted daughter Eri is accused of being the U.A. Traitor as he doesn't hold back against those who betrayed his trust. The Three Half-Brothers reunite when training on Mount Paozu where they another Saiyan name Son Goku and a girl name Bulma Briefs. As they go on a majestic adeventure as they search for the 7 Mystical Dragonballs
8 parts