In the vibrant land of Rajasthan, two powerful families, the Rathores and the Thakurs, are locked in a deep-rooted rivalry. Amid this enmity, Heer Rathore and Vidyut Thakur defy expectations and fall in love during their college years, far from the constraints of family and tradition. Heer, graceful yet strong, is drawn to Vidyut's rebellious charm, while he finds solace in her light amidst his fractured family dynamics.
Their love, a sanctuary in a divided world, grows against all odds. However, when Heer returns home after college, their dreams shatter. Her family arranges her marriage to a suitor chosen for political alliances, unaware of her bond with Vidyut. Torn between love and duty, Heer faces an agonizing choice: honor her family or fight for her heart.
For Vidyut, the news is devastating. He yearns to fight for Heer but knows their union risks igniting old family wounds. As they struggle against tradition and loyalty, they face impossible choices.
This is a tale of love in the shadow of rivalry, where courage is tested, sacrifices are demanded, and love's true power is revealed. Can their love triumph, or will it be consumed by the flames of hate?
Coming soon on this Feb 2025.