A young lady ran through the mud, holding a bag made of rags as she scurried. The country was still young, and she did not wish to worry her father. A young man sped through the dirt, holding a basket of straw as he scampered. The country was still unstable, and he did not wish to disturb his father. They ran side by side, through the forests, and the paths in between the farms. They had to get home before sunset. Father couldn't find out about their secret. or: the story of Maryland, Virginia, and their child. ‼️‼️DISCLAIMER‼️‼️ THIS IS MY AU, ‼️MOST STATES ARE NOT RELATED‼️!!. THERE IS A SHIP, MARYLAND X VIRGINIA, IN THIS TOO. DONT LIKE, PLEASE DO NOT READ. THE ONLY OTHER PLACE THIS FANFIC IS ON IS AO3 UNDER THE ACCOUNT "ALIENNNNNN" (with 6 "N"s). ANYWHERE ELSE IS NOT ME.