In a distant future, the remnants of humanity dwell in a sprawling metropolis plagued by pollution and decay. In this world, a renowned scientist, Dr. Adrian Black, becomes the unwitting victim of his own groundbreaking work. Cursed by an experimental genetic modification, he transforms into a monstrous being, feared and shunned by society.
Enter Lysandra, a brilliant yet disillusioned engineer struggling to survive in the oppressive city. When her father, a prominent inventor, is imprisoned by a tyrannical corporation, Lysandra ventures into the forbidden outskirts in search of a solution. There, she encounters the enigmatic Dr. Black, now known as the "Beast," and strikes a desperate bargain to secure her father's freedom.
As Lysandra delves deeper into the Beast's secluded domain, she discovers the remnants of Dr. Black's abandoned research, and a glimmer of the man he once was. Bound by a tenuous alliance, they confront the city's corrupt elite, uncovering a web of deceit and exploitation. Through their harrowing journey, Lysandra is forced to confront her own inner turmoil, while the Beast battles the monstrous nature within him.
Meanwhile, the city's ruling class, embodied by the ruthless CEO, Alastor Creighton, seeks to exploit the Beast's transformative affliction for their own nefarious purposes. As Lysandra and the Beast navigate treacherous alliances and confront their own demons, they unearth a devastating truth about the city's origins and the insidious forces that govern it.
In a gripping tale of love, sacrifice, and redemption, Lysandra and the Beast must defy the odds and confront the darkness within and around them, for the fate of the city and its inhabitants hangs in the balance.