9 parts Ongoing Taylor Aracus. A roman demigod child of- oh joy, Neptune. Too powerful, too odd- always getting dragged around by Octavian, bound to her past, living the best life she can get out of her terrible hand of cards.
Now of course, a stunning, Taylor's ideal-type Greek demigod son of Apollo stumbles upon Taylor and her beloved Roman camp. He comes along, offering her the greatest adventure, and possibly a happier ending to their young love.
This boy goes by the name of Lee Fletcher.
Disclaimer- most of the characters belong to Rick Riordan, but I've added a couple.
The cover is also not mine, I edited a picture because I'm lame that way.
Highest Rankings
#1 leefletcher
#1 trypanophobia
#1 daughterofneptune
#2 tuberculosis
#4 sonofapollo
#4 hoofanfic
#6 octavian
#12 campjupiter
#13 spqr
#15 posidonsdaughter