In the mystical realm of the Enchanted Isles, Kai, a werewolf with an extraordinary lineage, embarks on a transformative journey. Living with his sister Maliah after a tragic incident involving their father, Kai discovers newfound friendships, including the spirited Sab. Entering Hexidian school, Kai navigates both magical education and the complexities of his heart, torn between Victor and Daniel.
As relationships deepen, challenges arise, blending school antics with the mystical. The story weaves moments of warmth, adventure, and a touch of enchantment. Kai's love for his friends and the support of Victor and Daniel form a magical tapestry against the backdrop of the Enchanted Isles. Yet, lurking shadows hint at the untamed power within Kai, threatening to disrupt the harmony he's found.
With captivating characters and an evolving narrative, the tale unfolds with magical encounters, unexpected alliances, and the complexities of love. As Kai grapples with his dual nature and uncharted abilities, the Enchanted Isles become a stage for growth, love, and the enduring strength of friendships. The journey has just begun, promising a captivating blend of magic and emotion in the chapters that follow.
"when three jeon caged their enemy's wife for revenge...."
Jungkook- i say who you are? You are my enemy.. you are my enemy...
Jk- beautiful and innocent face are more dangerous...
Kookie- ghost is beautiful ...
Jungkook x readers
Jungkook FF
Warning ⚠️🔞🔞 this book is mature, violence,dark Romance, blood, fighting, abusive language and many more if you are uncomfortable then you can leave this book..