The Barbie Adventure III: Barbie of Swan Lake
14 parts Complete Going into the third installment in the Barbie movie series, "Barbie of Swan Lake," the Equestria Girls find themselves in trouble with Odette when they discover a magical forest. When Odette and the girls run into Rothbart, he turns Odette into a swan and the Equestria Girls into... somehow, their pony selves. Luckily, the Fairy Queen can cast a spell so they can transform back into human at night. The Equestria Girls know that they have to break the curse, and the only way to do that is getting Prince Daniel to love Odette and never love anyone else. However, Rothbart has other plans up his sleeve. But with Odile being stubborn, he kidnaps Rarity and turns her back to human so she can fool Daniel, or her friends die. Now the Equestria Girls have to get Rarity back, break the curse, get Odette and Daniel together, and get home without turning into ponies daily. Can they do it, or are they doomed to be characters in the movie for life?
Barbie and the movie's dialogue belong to Mattel. Equestria Girls belong to Hasbro.