This poem seeks to express the essence and significance of the journey towards enlightenment. It describes the longing to break free from the shadows of ignorance and embark on a path of wisdom and truth. Through self-discovery and self-transcendence, one can shed false identities and embrace unity and interconnectedness with the world. The poem emphasizes the importance of transcending boundaries and seeking inner peace and clarity. It portrays enlightenment as a process of surrendering ego and expanding consciousness, wherein one finds divine essence in all aspects of existence. It suggests that through meditation, self-reflection, and love, individuals can access profound truths and uncover their infinite potential. Ultimately, the poem encourages the exploration of uncharted territories to quench the thirst of those seeking enlightenment, as it holds boundless treasures for the enlightened mind.
It's poetry,
"Take time to smell the roses"
when we are all busy chasing
the name, fame, and dreams
where we forget
almost ourselves and
the surrounding beautiful things
to see in this chaotic life.
it's to inspire all those little things
and value our precious lives
and cherish the moments we
Share in the journey.