Story collab with @AlexWasNeverFound_ George been single his whole life since he was busy with school, which made his friends worry that he's never going to have a boyfriend or girlfriend, but then one day George's friends get an idea for George to download tinder. Which George is confused on why his friends want him to be in a relationship, but George downloads tinder like his friends ask him to in the span of a few hours he matches with a person named Dream not thinking of it he starts texting him meanwhile, in Dream's life, he has been trying to have a relationship with someone, but they always reject Dream. Once they find out the truth of Dream, which makes Dream sad after people that just match with him just let him go after they find out the truth about Dream. But what is that truth? Will George find out and leave Dream or will he support him, the truth? Trigger Warnings Angst blood (minor) bullying Mention of domestic abuse (physical) domestic abuse (physical) drinking eating disorder forced captivity hospitalization Homophobia (f-slur) overdose (accidental) self-harm Mention serious injury smoking suicidal thoughts violence Mention of heart break Argument/Fight Car accident