Fellow student Ryu Tanaka struggles to understand the concept of friendship. However, an unexpected event causes him to join the School Live Club, resulting in him being stuck with Yuki, Kurumi, Yuuri, Megumi Sakura and later Miki. With the approach of graduation, Ryu starts to cultivate his relationship with his fellow club members and their teacher, creating bonds and enjoying the moments together, with the overall goal of graduating together.
Author's Note:
This is a long-term Fanfic project that I expect should last for three years. A volume (15 chapters) will be released every 4-6 months. Much of the story follows both the Manga and Anime story, with small elements added in or changed at my discretion.
It is loosely recommended to watch / read the Gakkou Gurashi series up until it's finale. However, if you've already watched the anime, you shouldn't worry about spoilers until I reach the fourth volume.
Please note that I'm not the best at English and this is my first time writing a story, so there are prone to be mistakes in it.
All credits go to their respective owners.
Emmy's life is going just as she'd planned: She's living in her own apartment, dancing every day and is just leaps away from being named her company's next Prima ballerina. And she's only 17. But all of Emmy's plans come to a screeching halt when the FBI shows up at her door to let her know that she's being stalked by a serial killer. Suddenly, the safe, insulated world she created for herself is riddled with violence, fear...and a growing pile of dead bodies. At first Emmy wants nothing more than to forget her chilling new reality - but her admirer isn't finished with her yet, and before she knows it, Emmy's stuck in a nightmare she can't dance her way out of.
Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains detailed scenes of murder, rape, torture, sex and stalking, which may be triggering for some readers.
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