Stan and Wendy, once inseparable since the age of 8, find themselves at 15 facing the delicate intricacies of their relationship. Stan, grappling with a tarnished reputation, wonders if Wendy truly likes him for who he is. The uncertainties, questioning the feasibility of making promises. Yet, in the midst of the struggle, there's a desire for connection, the invitation to make a drink to deal with the struggles, and the intimacy they share fading. The delicate nature of their relationship unfolds, the vulnerability and questions that often accompany young love.
In the tumultuous aftermath of a heart-wrenching separation, Stan and Wendy, now 17, find themselves haunted by the echoes of a love once vibrant. Two years of painful silence have passed, leaving them immersed in regret and the heavy burden of unspoken apologies. Stan, recognizing the enormity of his mistakes, wrestles with the consequences of blowing things out of proportion. His admission, "I'm the one who burned us down," reflects the self-awareness of a young man desperate to rebuild what was lost. Wendy, having endured the metaphorical imprisonment of hurt, longs for closure and understanding. Their journey to reconciliation unfolds. The depth of their emotions... The recognition that they fought with a love so true, akin to boxing without gloves, resonates with the chemistry that once defined them.