In the year 2057, the world is governed by the ominous authority of the Dome. Mia Brandy, a young woman raised within the sterile confines of the Dome, leads a meticulously controlled and Blameless existence. The Dome, a colossal structure that shields its inhabitants from the ravages of the outside world, promises safety and order in exchange for absolute obedience. Mia's life takes an unexpected turn when she encounters Ty Lawrence, a rebellious boy, who's existence challenges everything Mia has ever known, and his unconventional lifestyle opens her eyes to a reality beyond the carefully curated facade of being Blameless. *Blameless is a gripping tale of self-discovery, rebellion, and the pursuit of freedom. Mia Brandy's journey forces her to question her beliefs, confront the consequences of blind conformity, and discover the resilience of the human spirit in a world where boundaries are meant to be broken.